If you’re following the news, all of the headlines about conditions in the current housing market may leave you with more questions than answers. Is the boom over? Is the market crashing or correcting? Here’s what you need to know.
What Are the Best Options for Today’s First-Time Homebuyers?
If you’re looking to buy your first home, you’re likely balancing several factors. Because both mortgage rates and home prices have risen this year, it costs more to buy a home than it did even just a few months ago. But that doesn’t mean you have to put your plans on hold. If you partner with a trusted real estate […]
Why the Growing Number of Homes for Sale Is Good for Your Move Up
Are you thinking about selling your current home? If so, the biggest question on your mind may be: if I sell now, where will I go? If this resonates with you, there’s something you should know. The number of homes coming onto the market is increasing and that could make it easier for you to move up this summer. […]
How Homeownership Impacts You
June is National Homeownership Month, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on how impactful owning a home can truly be. When you purchase a house, it becomes more than just a space you occupy. It’s your stake in the community, an investment, and a place you can put your stamp on. If you’re thinking about buying a […]
What Does the Rest of the Year Hold for the Housing Market?
If you’re thinking of buying or selling a house, you’re at an exciting decision point. And anytime you make a big decision like that, one thing you should always consider is timing. So, what does the rest of the year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts have to say. The Number of Homes Available for Sale Is […]
Why Summer Is a Great Time To Buy a Vacation Home
You may be someone who looks forward to summer each year because it gives you an opportunity to rest, unwind, and enjoy more quality time with your loved ones. Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s worthwhile to start thinking about your plans and where you want to spend your vacations this year. […]
Sellers Have an Opportunity as Home Prices Re-Accelerate
As mortgage rates started to rise this year, many homeowners began to wonder if the value of their homes would fall. Here’s the good news. Historically, when mortgage rates rise by a percentage point or more, home values continue to appreciate. The latest data on home prices seems to confirm that trend. According to data from CoreLogic, home price appreciation has […]
Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence
If you’re thinking about buying a home, you’ve probably heard mortgage rates are rising and have wondered what that means for you. Since mortgage rates have increased over two percentage points this year, it’s natural to think about how this will impact your homeownership plans. Today, buyers are reacting in one of two ways: they’re either making the decision to […]
Are There More Homes Coming to the Market?
According to a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), one of the top challenges buyers face in today’s housing market is finding a home that meets their needs. That’s largely because the inventory of homes for sale is so low today. If you’re looking to buy a home, you may have noticed this yourself. But there is good news. Recent data […]
Will Home Prices Fall This Year? Here’s What Experts Say.
Many people are wondering: will home prices fall this year? Whether you’re a potential homebuyer, seller, or both, the answer to this question matters for you. Let’s break down what’s happening with home prices, where experts say they’re headed, and how this impacts your homeownership goals. What’s Happening with Home Prices? Home prices have seen 121 consecutive months of year-over-year increases. CoreLogic says: “Price appreciation […]