Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends and that you’ll have a great weekend to follow before Monday rolls around.
Last week we told about our Facebook Pie Giveaway, and boy oh boy did we have a blast watching all those comments roll in about how much our followers love pie. And, yes, of course, free pie is the best kind of pie there is.
But there was actually an additional pie event going on that spurred on the Facebook contest. We sent a postcard to our past clients that we still had contact information for and invited them to reserve a complementary pumpkin pie to pick up at our office.

Here’s Noel (on the left) handing a pie to one of our Facebook contest winners, Doreen. It was awesome to meet Doreen in person!
Certainly, we understand that a lot of people head out of town the day before Thanksgiving and that a bunch of postcards probably didn’t even make it to their intended recipients, but between the two events we had to get about a 100 pies.
Yes, you read that right! 100 pies! Well, we were so happy to see all of these past clients come on Wednesday. Actually, we consider these to be old friends at this point. Even if we just met them last month when we helped them find the right home. We had hot cider and donuts waiting and we had a great time saying hello and handing out pies.

Here’s Noel with SOME of the pies … and the cider and donuts, too. Kudos to our Closing Manager, Heather Kolbe, for that nifty pennant-style banner!
Whether you had one of our pies or not, just know that we took a moment to think about those of you who support us in ways both big and small every day of the year. Thank you all for keeping The Bittinger Team in business and allowing us to do the work we love for the last 30 years!
Explore our website: www.Bittinger.com
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